How To Grow Your List With Quality Leads Using Contests.

SMBL Consulting
3 min readMay 28, 2022


Grow Your List With Quality Leads Using Contests.

Guess what?!!!

I was doodling with emails on my way to work 2 days ago and I came across this awesome piece of information that I thought I’d share.

Especially if you have been in a rut like me trying to grow your email list, social media followers, website visitors.

Here it is — “ Run Contests”. It is an excellent way to grow your list.

It also creates buzz for your brand on social media. You have fans using your hashtags, they become engaged, and share with their friends, and are really excited to do so.

One thing you need to always remember — when doing this is to prompt them to give you their email address, especially those who have liked your Facebook page or followed you on Twitter, Instagram can eagerly do this , allowing you to follow up and sell you their products and services.
That way, you now direct access to a lot of people you could only reach through social media

To set up your own contest:

1. Drive traffic to a landing page away from your social media sites. This helps you build website traffic and eliminate distractions, and of course, use to build your list even after the contest ends.

2. Require all participants to submit contact info as part of your contest process. This is to grow your list, so make it a requirement that they must submit their email address.

3. Give away multiple prizes. This is better than offering a single high-value prize. Because people weigh their chances of winning before they enter. With smaller multiple prizes (under the same budget ooo), people feel they have a better chance to win and would likely enter the contest.

4. Make your contest irresistible to your target market. Get them overly excited about it.

You ask how?

- Give away prizes that only your target contestants would be interested in

- Choose exclusive prizes — things they would love to have but wouldn’t normally have access to

- Tie your contest to top of mind awareness — you could use a holiday theme or event for your contest to draw more enthusiasm.

- And don’t forget to make your winners “Celebrities”. Treat them how you would treat celebrities — feature them on your social media pages, website, newsletters, and even your marketing campaigns.

5. Consider carefully whether or not you will want people to vote. Though this may be a great way to pick up more email addresses. It could hinder you in a way or two.
- your ideal contestants may not enter because they feel their online network isn’t large enough to compete and win , or
- they may not enter because they feel uncomfortable about asking people to vote for them.
- people voting may also not be your target audience.

6. Convert all contestants to buyers by making everyone a winner — by offering a limited time exclusive offer to everyone who entered the contest.

Remember the goal of the contest is to get quality leads that you can turn into sales. Keep your contest niche-specific by offering prizes that would only appeal to someone who wants what you sell. The more specific you are with your prizes, the more targeted your leads will be.

So, using these tips you can run a contest that not only generates qualified leads for your list but helps you convert them to buyers.

Don’t just sit there and read, get your contest ideas going, swipe and deploy these tips and you will thank me later.

Do you have a contest idea you’d like to showcase to your target audience?

Click the link and schedule a FREE 15-minute session with me with your ideas. I only do 4 of these every week. If you miss the 4 FREE slots, you would have to pay for my time.

Hurry now, while the offer lasts.



SMBL Consulting

We are a full end-to-end spectrum of digital marketing services. We also offer content marketing strategies that are aligned with your buyer’s journey.